Monday, June 11, 2018

Help me Find That 1

  Hey everyone! Our first three blogs have just turned out to be on weekends, but as mentioned in the beginning, if there was the need for a new one more often, then that's what we would do.

     On today's blog, I'm hoping that all of us can work together to share memories and perhaps a  picture or two about your recollections of Vintage St. Louis.

     Here is how I hope this will work. Below is a list of businesses and addresses. What I am looking for are pictures, stories and maybe even family recollections that might be able to help flesh out a better look and feel of the place. There are advertisements of all of theses places in my files, but am wanting more. Please feel free to comment any information that would be helpful.

     Here we go...

1. French Cleaners, 2 locations: 8301 Olive Street & 8040 Chippewa

2. Carl's Restaurant, 709 Washington

3. Asbestos Pad Company, 923 Washington

4. Mt. Auburn Market,  6128 Easton Ave., Welston

5. The Map Shop, 1412 Olive

    All of these businesses were open in the early 40's. Hope to hear from you!

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